Group Personal Training is our latest and greatest training regime to achieve whatever you are looking for, whether it is to increase your strength, speed, endurance and overall fitness. Give yourself an boosted edge with your very own personal coach combined together with a team of friends in your corner and pushing through each tummy crunch, sit-up, and hamstring curl right beside you every step of the way. Facing the fitness challenge in a team environment is not only motivating, it’s stimulating and so much more fun!Keep up with the sessions and not only will you start to see a decrease in body fat but more importantly improved self confidence and quality of life.
If you are interested in joining Group Personal Training please call us on 9397 6538 or email us at
What is Group Personal Training?
A select group of determined and self-motivated people who want to take their entire fitness levels and physical capabilities to a whole new level together with personalised advice, goal setting, access to peak performance coaching and a tailored session plan from our expert trainers. We recommend attending weekly group session consistently to complement your training and get you on the road to reaching your true potential.
(max. 6 ppl per session)
Why join the GROUP PT BUZZ?
We believe that everyone has the ability to reach their goals, but we also know that there can be obstacles along the way – demanding lifestyles, time crunches, wavering determination or finance considerations. That’s why group personal training provides a wide range of group personal training options to suit different lifestyles and give you that kick start at any fitness level. The constant variety and consistent stimulation, highly qualified and experienced personal trainers,team motivation and very affordable packages to suit everyone make this approach extremely effective at optimising each area of concern by making your training more streamlined, safer, more enjoyable and most importantly adapted specifically for your fitness.
Come join up with a group of friends or come in and join another weekly session already running today!